Die Protagonisten 2024

This section of the website may contain translations provided by an automatic translation tool.

Senior Managing Director & Country Head, Hines Italy
President, Associazione Imprese Culturali e Creative
Minister for Sport and Youth
DG Connect, European Commission
@agipsyinthekitchen – blogger
Deputy Director OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities (CFE)
Minister for Institutional Reforms and Regulatory Simplification
comic duo
Cartoonist Bonelli Editore
Managing Partner @ LTV
Director PNRR Lab, Università Bocconi
CEO Defense Services
CEO Angelini Pharma
Co-Founder Translated
CEO Nova Agenzia
Università di Milano
Head of Projects and Programs Area Agenzia Nazionale Giovani
Performer, artist and activist
PhD, Senior Fellow Center for International Governance Innovation CIGI
Research Director of the Institute for Research on Population and Social Policies, Italian National Research Council
Director - Vita Magazine
CMO & Co-Founder, Monitor The Planet
General Manager Erion WEEE
President of Dolomiti Energia Group
President Federauto
Creative Director Il Sole 24 Ore; visual artist
Chief information officer Fincantieri
CEO & Co-Founder MIPU Predictive Hub
122nd Commander Amerigo Vespucci
Destination Designer
singer, actor and author
Veneto West and Trentino Alto Adige Regional Director Intesa Sanpaolo
Architect Studio Baldessari and Baldessari
Architect Studio Baldessari and Baldessari
Head of Italy's National Cybersecurity Agency
Co-Founder Hudi
Undersecretary of State to the Presidency of the Council of
Ministers with responsibility for information and publishing
Director Il Messaggero
Deputy executive director Radio 24
Editor-in-chief International Economics and Politics Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Disney comics artist
EVP, COO, International of Walgreens Boots Alliance
Fondazione Economia Tor Vergata
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Educator & Ambassador ACE
President Fondazione Astrid
Entrepreneur and board member Confcommercio giovani del Trentino
President Ance Trento
Università di Trento
General Director MFA
CEO Vantage Capital Markets HK Limited
Università di Milano - Bicocca
Deputy Director of Il Sole 24 Ore
Head of service Il Sole 24 Ore
Belluzzo International Partners
Base Italia Coordinator
Principal Investigator, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Dean Bologna business school
Chairman Techvisory
Minister of Universities and Research
Sub-Chief of Staff Navy
Journalist and host Radio 24
Learning Academy Manager OMB Saleri
Vice president of D.i.Re
Labor law attorney, President of "Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani"
President and CEO Biagiotti Group
CEO Andrea Bocelli Foundation
University of Ferrara
Director CRTCU
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Tax expert Secretary Itasolidale
President, School of Government, Università Luiss Guido Carli
Università di Bolzano
Università Bocconi
Global market development executive vice president RINA
Università degli Studi di Trento
Cultural explorer and town councillor
Università di Milano - Bicocca
President, Federazione Cultura Turismo Sport and Confcooperative Piemonte Nord
Founder&Director of AASTER Consortium, Association of Territorial Development Agents
Chairman Investindustrial London
Relations & Reporting Manager, CEDIS Cooperativa Elettrica Storica
Graduate School of Management, Politecnico di Milano
President & CEO, Bracco Group
Radiocor Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
President Itinerari Previdenziali
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Founder & MD, CreditAccess
Università di Trento
Università La Sapienza
President, National Council for Economics and Labor
Deputy Head of service, Il Sole 24 Ore
Università di Udine
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
CEO Angelini Technologies and Fameccanica
CEO & Co-Founder, newcleo
General Manager, Confindustria Trento
Writer and host, Radio 24
European University Institute
Journalist and host, Radio 24
President, Museimpresa and Fondazione Assolombarda
Chairman INC Sustainability, Scientific & Government Affairs Committee
Minister of Labour and Social Policies
DJ & Vinyl Collector
President Caltagirone Group
Digital philosopher
Chairperson European Banking Authority
Art and Fashion Historian
Cooperazione Trentina
Politecnico di Torino
Journalist and host, Radio 24
Journalist Rai 1
Journalist Radiocor Il Sole 24 Ore
Università Bocconi
Group Education, Hr Communication & Engagement Head Angelini Industries
Università di Trento
Università Bocconi
Chief Executive Office, Gruppo 24 ORE
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
ITAS agent and vice president ITAS Solidarity
Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
Social analyst expert in communication and innovation Artificial intelligence commission at the presidency of the council of ministers
Professor Università di Torino
Former Rugby player
Responsible for internationalization at the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
Legal advisor
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Aiscat - Autostrada del Brennero
Chair, Parliamentary Budget Office
Executive Director,
Head of Public Affairs & Media Relations Altroconsumo
Journalist Corriere della Sera
Deputy Head of service, Il Sole 24 Ore
Country Director Italy, Too Good to Go
Secretary Union of Journalists Trentino Alto Adige Südtirol - Fnsi
Editorial writer Il Sole 24 Ore
Vicepresidente esecutivo della Shanghai Financial Association, Direttore amministrativo di Pacific Insurance (Group) Co., Ltd
Chief editor, business and finance staff, ANSA
Researcher Franco Demarchi Foundation
Regional Director, Europe, Central Asia & Israel, Hong Kong Trade Development Council HKTDC
Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank ECB
Director Responsible for Energy, University of Bologna
Senior Advisor of Digital Transformation
Director People & Organization, Enel
Università di Bolzano
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Deputy head of service Radiocor
ANSA Editor-in-Chief
Singer Songwriter
University of Brescia
President OBE - Branded Entertainment Observatory
Chairman, Italo, Fondazione Telethon and Manifatture Sigaro Toscano
Host of the #1 marketing & business podcast "Storie di Brand"
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Full Professor of Business Economics
General Technical Director Autostrada del Brennero Spa
Researcher FBK-ISR
Luiss Guido Carli University
General Secretary Fnsi
MD, Councilor of General Medical Council of Trento
Director, Economic and Social Sciences Education Program, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Journalist and science communicator
President Hydrogen Europe Research
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist and host Radio 24
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Peace activist, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize nominee
President Trenitalia
AIDP Trentino Alto-Adige/ Südtirol
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Partner and Managing Director Dalmec Spa
President Casl Comitato per gli Affari Sindacali e del Lavoro
About Media Director
President Seda International Packaging Group
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
President OdV Banco BPM
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Author and screenwriter Slim Dogs Production
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Senior Advisor European Affairs, Aspen Institute
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
General Manager SRM - Economic Research Center related to Intesa Sanpaolo
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Università La Sapienza
Chief economist & Head of Research, Intesa Sanpaolo
Journalist, Deputy Editor TG5
Chancellor University of Trento
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Commander General Guardia di Finanza
Deputy Editor Il Sole 24 Ore
President Trentino Digitale
Il Sole 24 Ore
Editor-in-Chief Sergio Bonelli Editore Bonelli Editore
President National Council of Labour Consultants
Head of Innovation Management Istituto Poligrafico Zecca dello Stato
Università di Pavia
Università di Napoli Federico II
President The Adam Smith Society
Università Bocconi
Editor-in-chief daily newspaper L’Adige
Vice President Emeritus, Italian Constitutional Court
Head Open Innovation & Sustainability – Consorzio ELIS
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Researcher Percorsi di secondo welfare
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
CEO Physis Investment
Radiocor journalist and psychologist
CEO Angelini Ventures
Musician and composer
Head of Division and Editorial Director Disney Licensed Products Division Giunti Editore
EU Special Representative for the Gulf Region
Secretary General Junior Enterprise Trento
Editor for non-fiction Feltrinelli
Senior Researcher Fondazione Edmund Mach
President Luigi Negrelli Foundation, Assembly of the Presidents of the Orders of Engineers in Italy
President Giovani Imprenditori Confindustria
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Editor-in-chief news, Radio 24
Director-General for Communication European Parliament
Director Department of Engineering University of Padua
Professor of Behavioral Economics
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Financial Markets Group, London School of Economics
University of Vermont
Content creator
Head of the Political Science Department, Università Luiss Guido Carli
Head of International News Sky TG24
Minister for Handicraft,commerce,tourism,forestry Provincia autonoma di Trento
Editor-in-chief GreenMe.it
Group Chief Sustainability Officer Angelini Industries
Executive Director representing Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK African development Bank
Researcher 3DOM Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Director Ministero dell'Economia e delle Finanze
Specialist in Internal Medicine
Scientific discloser and content creator
General Manager PagoPA S.p.A
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
President Inps
General Manager & COO Fater
President FightTheStroke Foundation
President Dimension SRL
Amplifon Foundation Managing Director
President ODCEC Trento and Rovereto
Economic Journalist Corriere della Sera
Deputy editor in chief Avvenire
Editorial coordinator, OBCT
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore - INNOVATION DAYS
CEO Studio Fieschi, Gruppo Tinexta
Commander ITA CJO
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Università di Bologna
Minister for European Affairs, the South, Cohesion Policies and the NRP
President Emeritus Italian Constitutional Court
Università di Trento
Editor-in-chief Corriere della Sera
General Director of Conai
Founding Partner Mindful Capital Partners
Investor in healthcare startups
Università di Torino
Captain Dolomiti Energia Trentino
Spokesperson Basilica papale di San Pietro
Università Bocconi
Professor University of Trento
Global Marketing Director
Editorialist Corriere del Trentino
President Acqua Levico
Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of Economy and Finance
Università di Trento
Corporate Affairs & Communication Director JTI Italy
President Autonomous Province of Trento
ABI Deputy Director General, FeBAF Secretary General
Senior researcher Euricse
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Director Novia srl
Executive coach
President Confcooperative
Physicist, innovation expert
Chairman Gruppo 24 ORE
Il Comunicatore
Chair Italian Nuclear Young Generation
Scientific collaborator, group “Berries, stonefruits and complementary crops” Laimburg Research Centre
Università di Padova
Cartoonist illustrator
Director Fondazione Agnelli
Executive Chairman ZEST
Journalist and host Radio 24
European Commissioner for the Economy European Commission
Vice President and Councilor for Education of the Autonomous Province of Trento
Chef Senso Mart Rovereto
Paralympic world champion
Director Agenzia Iura
Emergency&Development Area Director, EMERGENCY ONG ONLUS
Author and Host of Petrolio
President Tuscany Region
Fabric&home Care Category Director Fater
President Center for Civic Uses Studies University of Trento
Founder Messina Foundation - Philanthropic Institution
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Head OECD's Digital Government and Data Unit
President Confcooperative Federsolidarietà
Università Bocconi
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Università di Trento
Chairman Fincantieri
President National Bar Council
Legal Advisor to the Mayor of Rome
Editor in Chief Il Giornale d'Italia
Social innovator
Gran Sasso Science Institute
Chair Intesa Sanpaolo
Vice CEO Andrea Bocelli Foundation
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Chief of Cabinet Minister of Tourism
University Institute Sophia
President Transatlantic Leadership Network
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate 2000
Content creator
Associate Professor of the Department of Economics CCPS (CNAG) - Party School of the Central Committee
London South Bank University
President illycaffè and and co-Chair Regenerative Society Foundation
Founder & CEO Picture of Change
Host & content creator
Cartoonist illustrator
content creator
central editor-in-chief Il Sole 24 Ore
Director Robert Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, European University Institute
Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2011
Rome correspondent Financial Times
Head of the Strategy and Business Development Division, PARTNERSHIPS FOR IMPACT Department, EIB Global Directorate
Sociologist, co-founder Codici
Singer, member of CLUB DOGO
General Secretary CGIL
Senior Partner Prometeia
Head Of Technology Development Snam Decarbonization Projects Unit
Deputy Secretary General OCSE
Editor-in-Chief Il Sole 24 Ore
Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Director General for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Central Director for the Promotion of Italian Culture and Language, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Journalist Sky TG24 and Radio 24
Lawyer and activist
CSO Chief of Sustainable Office, E-ssence e-boat experience
Sustainability Specialist La Sportiva
Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance
Chairman Rekeep
Minister for disabilities
Pianist and composer
Owner Locanda Locatelli restaurant
Secretary General MSF Int.
Journalist Web Editor - Il Sole 24 Ore
Minister of agriculture, food sovereignty and forestry
host Radio 24
Author of Placemaking. Creare luoghi vivi, amati, attraenti, winner of the Il Sole 24 Ore literary prize for economic and social non-fiction works 2024
General director Università Luiss Guido Carli
Head of Public Affairs Junior Enterprise Trento
Naturalist biologist
Senior Advisor in Marketing
General Commander Arma CC
Università Luiss Guido Carli
President Gruppo Optoi
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Executive Vice President Italian Institute for International Political Studies
Founder United Ventures
General Director IIDEA
Director La Stampa
Research and Family Development Manager, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Comedian actor and host Radio 24
SMEs and Digital Expert
Correspondent for Il Sole 24 Ore
President Confindustria Trento
Chief Executive Officer Althesys
Chairwoman & CEO, Marcegaglia Holding
Co-Founder e Partner Dst Group
Chairman King Charles' Sustainable Fashion Taskforce
President Herno Group
Università Carlo Cattaneo – LIUC
Radiocor journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Centro Studi Doc Foundation
CEO Fontana Foundation
lawyer Counsel DLAPiper
Manager and Fellow Expert Reactor Physics
CEO Angelini Industries
Journalist Radiocor
Università Bocconi
Università Europea di Roma
Master Pastry
Head of Nuclear innovation Enel Group
Journalist and host Radio 24
Il Sole 24 Ore editor-in-chief and Radio 24 host
Chair Human Foundation
Director, Insitute for European Analysis and Policy, Università Luiss Guido Carli
Segretario Generale Altroconsumo
President of the Council of Ministers
Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri
Founder & CEO RecoveryRoad
Prefect of Padua
European University Institute
Scientific Director Istituto italiano di Tecnologia
Financier Micheli & Associati
Head of Territorial Relationships
CEO Pensplan Centrum S.p.A
Università di Bari Aldo Moro
Journalist and host Radio 24
Editor-in-chief and correspondent Il Sole 24 Ore
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Hong Kong Trade development council HKTDC
CEO and Managing Director Itas Mutua
Chief Economist and Director for Sectoral Strategies and Impact CDP
Senator for life of the Italian Republic
Head Latin America Program ISPI
Vicepresident Feltrinelli Group
Researcher Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Vice President of the italian National School of Administration within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Journalist and host Radio 24
Minister for Civil Defense and Sea Policy
Deputy Head of Service Radio 24
Senior Astronaut ESA
Vice President, Shanghai Financial Association, Chief Financial Officer of Guotai Junan Securities Co.Ltd
CEO Porsche Consulting in Italy
Undersecretary of State Ministry of Labour and Social Policies
Deputy director Quotidiano Nazionale
Vice Rector Politecnico di Milano
President and CEO of Epta, Vice President of Confindustria with a mandate for Industrial Policies and Made in Italy
Minister of Justice
Designer and entrepreneur
Chairwoman Autostrade per l'Italia
President ENPAM, ADEPP
Deputy Director Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
President Confindustria
University College Cork
Deputy Vice President ITAS Mutua
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
Journalist and Radio 24 presenter
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Senior Researcher Fondazione Edmund Mach
President Italian Paralympic Committee
Ceo & Cofounder Aindo
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Editor in Chief Il Gazzettino
Radio 24 journalist and host
Journalist and host Radio 24
Chair Borsa Italiana
Director Forum for International and European Research on Immigration
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Custos of the Holy Land
President ABI
Director Institute for Global Studies
Partner Campomarzio Collective
Songwriter and television author
Editor-in-chief Quattroruote | Ruoteclassiche
General Manager Fondazione Caritro
Chief Economist Incoming OECD
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Executive Chairman, Walgreens Boots Alliance
General of the United States Army
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Head of the Participation and Active Citizenship Office of the City of Milan
Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate 2006
President Società Italiana di Economia
Minister of the Interior
President of the Women Entrepreneurs Committee Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy
Università dell'Insubria
Complexity Group Fermi Center
Human Resources Director La Sportiva
Director QN Quotidiano Nazionale
CISL national confederal secretary
Università di Trento
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
College Component ARERA
host Radio 24
Editor in chief How to Spend It
Partner Intellera Consulting
Honorary President, Lizard Renewables
CEO Freecom Hub
Director of the department for statistical production, Istat
Founding partner Youtrend
Università di Bologna
Università di Ferrara
Politecnico di Torino
Co-founder, Officine Italia and Reoassunto
Head OECD Trento Centre for Local Development
General Director FOQUS Spanish Quarter Foundation, Naples
President Centro Studi Promotor
Collective of Female Illustrators
Journalist La Stampa
District Attorney of the Tribunale Ordinario di Trento
Università di Milano
Ceo & Cofounder Recuperiamo Srl SB
Director Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Senseable City Lab
President Emeritus, Pontifical Council for Culture
Università di Bolzano
President Fondazione Symbola
Director Municipality of Trento
Correspondent for Il Sole 24 Ore
CEO Fastweb
President Elettricità Futura
President Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Chief Economist Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance
President Fimaa Trentino
Università di Milano
President Assoconsult
Chief Sustainability & Transformation Officer Mundys
School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
sound technician and sound designer Radio 24
Co-Chair W7 (G7 Italy)
CEO and Founder Atomical
Journalist and host Radio 24
Vicepresident Fimaa Trentino
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
CEO of Trentino Marketing
President ITAS Mutua
President Future Food Institute
Director Agenzia delle Entrate e Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione
CEO Rummo
Managing Director Centro di ricerca e documentazione Luigi Einaudi
Director Department for the development of methods and technologies for the production and dissemination of statistical information
Consorzio di tutela mozzarella di bufala campana DOP
Università di Milano
Columbia University and co-Chair Regenerative Society Foundation
President TLSG-International Advisors
Copywriter freelance
President Alchimia
Economics editor-in-chief, Corriere della Sera
Actress, art therapist
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
actor, author and host Radio 24
Secretary General EURICSE and Social Italy Foundation
Team Leader People Partner, Flixbus
Università Luiss Guido Carli
Vice President of the Council of Ministers and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
Journalist Redazione web - Il Sole 24 Ore
President Tinexta
Chairman Simest
President Fondazione Demarchi
Head of Unit METID Politecnico di Milano
Minister of Culture
Secretary-General of the European Union External Action Service
Minister of Tourism
Università di Milano - Bicocca
President Fondazione Germozzi
Deputy Director Sciences Po
Journalist La7
President CONSOB
General Secretary CISL
Founding Partner Nextperience
Chairman Enel
Mother Abbess Benedictine Monastery of St. Anne of Bastia Umbra
AIDP Trentino Alto-Adige/ Südtirol
Director Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD
President Valore D
Prof influencer
Minister of Health
Deputy, Secretary of the Democratic Party
Managing Partner Grimaldi Alliance
Founder Starting Finance
Rector Politecnico di Milano
CEO and General Manager CDP Venture CAPITAL
Director Libero
President Centre for European Volunteering
President Sorgenia
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Co-fondatrice e COO, SIEve
President School of Law, Università Luiss Guido Carli
Founder e Ceo iGenius
Ceo Rotonium
CEO and COO Serviceplan Italy
Director, Department of Economics Università di Perugia
Start-up Area Director Trentino Sviluppo
Managing Director Media & Business, Il Sole 24 ORE
President Brodolini Foundation
President of Cooperazione Trentina
Secretary General Bruno Kessler Foundation
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Change Leader Ashoka Italia
Researcher manager Italian National Institute of Statistic
Journalist and political commentator
Professor Emeritus of Management and Former Dean in the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University and Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences Laureate 2001
Journalist and host Radio 24
Councillor for Economic Development, Labor, University and Research Provincia Autonoma di Trento
President Confprofessioni
President of the Citizenship and UE Commission Regional Student Council
President Fipe Confcommercio
vocal performer
Incoming Chair in Sovereign Debt Sciences Po
Executive Director, Parks - Liberi e Uguali
Lead UE Economist, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
President and Founder Nomisma Energia
Writer and Radio 24 presenter
Commercial & Operations Director, Cargo Plus
Politecnico di Milano
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Head of Middle East and North Africa Centre, ISPI
Chairman and CEO, TIP - Tamburi Investments Partner
Director Il Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24 and Radiocor, Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Trento Festival of Economics
Founder and President Sport senza frontiere ets
President of the Provincial Equal Opportunities Commission Autonomous Province of Trento
Theatre company
Street Theatre Company
Chief HR Officer for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Accenture
Università di Roma Tre
Chief Economist, SACE
Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Ceo Autostrade per l'Italia
Chairman CSVnet
Università di Pisa
Councillor for cooperation PAT
ABI Deputy General Manager
Director strategy and development, Fondazione Bruno Kessler
Ceo & Cofounder Genius Watter
Chairman Foreign and Community Affairs Committee, Committee House
Department of Economics and Management of the University of Trento
Università di Roma Tor Vergata
LudoBiblio Scientific Director Meyer Children's Hospital Foundation
Co-Founder and CEO Translated
Executive vice chairman Pirelli
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Chief Innovation Officer Leonardo
President National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes
Journalist Il Sole 24 Ore
Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy
CEO Multiversity Group
Director General for Health Prevention Ministry of Helth
Minister of Education
Ceo Isybank / Intesa Sanpaolo
CEO and Founder, Gelato 4ever
Executive Vice President, Communications, Inclusion & Bigger Picture, Sky Italia
Chief Diversity Officer ESA
President Diversity Lab
CEO Snam
Secretary-General Confcooperative
Computer engineer
Senior Fellow, Bruegel & PIIE
Università Bocconi
COO Mediahuis
CEO ISEA - Applied economics
Vice Chancellor Pontifical Academy of Science and Social Sciences
Vicepresident EIB
Università di Trento
General Director, DG Connect, European Commission
Università di Milano - Bicocca
Head of Economic Analysis Department, Federchimica
Co-Founder Serenis
Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Imam and vice president, Italian Islamic Religious Community
director China Center for Economic Research
Associate Professor of the Institute of International Strategic Studies CCPS (CNAG) - Party School of the Central Committee
2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank
Editor in chief Il Giornale
Director General ISMEA
Università di Bologna
Università di Bologna
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Dean of International affairs YSEM university
Minister for Public PA
President Giovani Imprenditori del Terziario di Confcommercio Trentino
Università di Roma Tre
Partner Tremonti Romagnoli Piccardi e Associati