In this 19th edition of the Festival, simultaneous translation of events in a language other than Italian is provided by the innovative Converso® remote system.
You will find this simple and intuitive service summarized in the infographic below. All you need is your smartphone, tablet, or laptop and your headphones/earbuds.
Happy listening, enjoy the Festival!
A simultaneous translation service into Italian is available via the Converso® web app for talks in a foreign language.

There is no app to download: all you have to do is open a simple web page from your smartphone, tablet, or laptop with an internet connection.

Please use your headphone or earbuds instead of the speakers so that you will not disturb the other guests.

In rooms with talks in a foreign language you will find a QR code with the link to the web page with the list of current sessions. Click on the title of the session that you want to follow and the page will open with the translation.

Click the language button to start the translation. Click OFF to stop the translation.

You can try out the app at this link:, which can also be reached by scanning the QR code to the right. A recorded voice will repeat the name of the selected language for each channel. There is also a button to request help if there are any problems.

Converso® is a suite of platforms and services for multilingual online and hybrid events. Remote simultaneous translation, multilingual streaming, web app for events, videoconferences, and webinars with integrated interpretation services. Converso® has over twenty years of experience in offering technical services for events!