
Economie dei territori

The cycle of appointments called Economie dei territori is back, a format curated by the reference realities of the Trentino panorama

Health and inclusion, circular economy and biotechnology, culture, education and development, international trade and new consumption models, the future challenges for the market and, within it, for small and medium-sized enterprises, but also the delicate dynamics that see generations taking turns leading companies and new leadership models.

The Festival dell 'Economia returns to give voice to the protagonists of the socio-economic life of Trentino with a new edition of the "Economie dei territori" programme. Meetings and debates that, on the days of the event, will give voice and space to the experiences of trade associations, third sector organisations, bodies and research institutes that will enrich the general programming through an analysis of the present capable of combining local dynamics and major processes of global transformation.

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