
Incontri con l'autore

A world of books at the Festival dell'Economia di Trento

Is a more ESG world really a more humane and sustainable world? Are the strategies put in place by governments, institutions and companies to combat climate change really effective? How do we manage the fragilities of our time? What is the future of Europe? And the idea of the West as we have known it so far?

These are just some of the many questions that the many books that will be the protagonists of the new schedule of "Encounters with the author" will try to answer. An edition that is enriched with new faces and prominent protagonists of the Italian cultural, political-institutional and academic landscape. Magistrates, senior representatives of institutions, managers and scholars from the most diverse backgrounds, personalities from the world of culture (not only) will guide us to discover the most diverse and, in some cases, curious topics, with the usual attention to the world of children and young people.

A rich program built thanks to the presence, on the days of the Festival, of authoritative signatures published by the 24 Ore Group and the renewed collaboration with some of the major Italian publishing groups.

Debates, presentations and meetings will offer opportunities for discussion and in-depth analysis, giving space to heterogeneous points of view and new perspectives on our present and future. An opportunity to reflect on the major changes underway and to rediscover the value of dialogue and knowledge as tools to address global challenges. This year's edition aims to engage an even wider audience, with events also dedicated to young readers and those approaching the most topical topics of public debate for the first time.

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