A Responsible Festival
Trentino Marketing has launched for the 2025 edition of the Festival dell 'Economia, after the excellent results of 2023 and 2024, the three-year process of implementing a sustainable management system, which will be subject to verification by a third party body, according to the international standard ISO 20121.
What is it about
The ISO 20121:2012 standard was introduced to help organisations in the design, delivery and monitoring phases of the impacts generated by events. We have decided to continue with the path of continuous improvement of management activities aimed at developing commitments on ESA issues in the management of the Festival of Economics both in the design and execution of the event, we have chosen specific indicators to measure and reduce the impacts generated with the aim of implementing mitigation policies also through the sharing of our choices with all stakeholders.
The commitment of Trentino Marketing
Trentino Marketing, as co-organiser, has implemented its management system through processes and procedures aimed at ensuring the assessment of the economic, social and environmental impacts generated by the Festival. Trentino Marketing has signed a formal Sustainable Development Policy document that details the objectives in the different aspects of sustainability. The Sustainable Development Policy underlines Trentino Marketing's responsibility towards stakeholders for measuring and reducing impacts and includes the definition of commitments in relation to the Principles of Sustainable Development indicated by the standard.
- ACCESSIBILITY – promoting the usability of products, services, environments and facilities
- INCLUSIVITY – developing stakeholder engagement practices
- INTEGRITY – safeguarding respect for ethical principles
- INHERITANCE – promoting a positive legacy on the territory after the Festival
- MANAGEMENT – share the sustainable development project internally
- TRANSPARENCY – communicate clearly, accurately, promptly, honestly
- RESPECT – foster opportunities and no discrimination
In line with the indications of the United Nations 2030 Agenda, with respect to the 17 sustainable development goals and in common with SproSS, Trentino Marketing, through the design and implementation of the Festival, undertakes to contribute to the achievement of the following objectives:

Actions implemented
To concretely address the global problem of pollution from plastic bottles, we have installed 2 SMOOTH MICROFILTERED WATER DISPENSERS in the main squares of Trento, connected to the city aqueduct and equipped with a flow meter. Take a water bottle with you to always have fresh or room temperature water.
To address the issue of waste management, we have established 4 ECOLOGICAL ISLANDS in the main squares of Trento, for proper separate collection.
To keep the city of Trento clean, we have decided to place 4 Smokers Points for the collection of cigarette butts. The butts will be recycled and transformed into new materials for the creation of objects for daily use. Together, we can help make a difference for the environment and the local community.
Help us to make a correct separate collection, look at the map to find out the location of the dispensers, the ecological islands and the smokers points!
To encourage alternative and sustainable mobility, in addition to public transport - buses and trains (both free if you have a Trentino Guest Card), we have set up Bikesharing services (all the information at this link). Also download the OnOff Trento APP (all the information at this link) for night services that allows you to book the bus according to your needs in Trento and the Mio Trentino APP that provides you with information on mobility (all the information at this link). Move with alternative or low-impact means!
To facilitate the reuse and recycling of the fittings, we manage the warehouse digitally, so we keep track of the fittings used and their characteristics.
We promote the territory and local activities and encourage the use of local accommodation facilities.
We spread the awareness that the event is organized from a sustainability perspective, aiming to raise awareness on this issue and creating greater involvement of all the actors who contribute to the success of the event and the public. In the involvement of external parties for volunteering services, no type of discrimination is carried out; the volunteers involved are trained on sustainability issues.
Trentino Marketing has adopted a document "Guidelines on Accessibility and Inclusion of Major Events", useful for increasing the level of accessibility in these areas:
- Places and rooms
- Technical management and organisational secretariat
- Mobility
- Fittings and equipment
- Catering services
- Communication, information and technology
- Safety
- Staff and reception service
If you would like to read the full documentation on our Sustainable Development Policies, you can download the PDF from the following links:
What do you think?
Let us know your opinion by sending an email to sostenibile@trentinomarketing.org