
Teatro Sociale

Via Paolo Oss-Mazzurana, 19 - 38122 Trento

The stage of Teatro Sociale has been graced by the likes of Arturo Toscanini and Enrico Caruso. It has played host to Italy’s finest operas and plays, not to mention dance shows, New Year’s Eve parties and political rallies. A splendid example of Italian-style theatre, from 1819 until the 1960s, it served as the main backdrop of the city’s cultural scene. In 2000, after being purchased by the province and significant restoration works, it was returned to its former glory. The stalls, three floors of boxes and the gallery can seat up to 670 people, while the elegant rooms of the adjoining Palazzo Festi are often used for meetings and conferences.

To attend the events at Teatro Sociale, you can collect the entry tickets directly at the venue starting two hours before the event begins.

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