Common “European industrial energy policy for e-vehicles”

Saturday 25 May
Piazza del Duomo
















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In the Autostrade per l’Italia cloud, a conversation between two guests will take place using statements that, on paper, may be divisive. The guests will share their opinions on each statement, and based on the outcome, the statement will be graphically positioned on the side of the guest whose view it aligns with the most. If the opinions of both guests overlap, the statement will be placed in the center. This method aims to identify points of agreement between guests who seemingly start from opposing positions. The underlying theme of this activity will be European industrial energy policy regarding electric cars.
Meeting with Andrea Giuricin, CEO of TRA Consulting, Senior Advisor for Investment Funds, Senior Consultant at the World Bank, Transport Economist at CESISP-Unimib, Fellow at IBL, and Board Member of GBTA Italy, Catia Tomasetti, Partner and Leader of the Infrastructure, Energy, and Ecological Transition Focus Team at Bonelli Eredi. Moderated by Guglielmo Paternesi, Will Media.
